the psychology of excreta
Elisha Oluyemi
Elisha Oluyemi won the 2022 Lagos-HCAF Contest (Prose) and has a psychological thriller forthcoming in the 2023 Mukana Press Anthology of African Writing. He co-edited the PROFWIC Crime Fiction Anthology, Vol 1, won the 1st-runner-up prize in the 2022 Shuzia Flash Fiction Competition, and is a mentor under the SprinNG Fellowship initiative. Elisha also has writing published/forthcoming in Mystery Tribune, Brittle Paper, L=Y=R=A, The Bitchin' Kitsch, Sledgehammer, Terror House, 100-Word Project, Salamander Ink, Ngiga Review, African Writer, Arts Lounge, Kalahari Review, TSTR, and elsewhere. He writes in the psychological and literary genres. Tweets @ylisha_cs.