Mushrooms Make Fungal Love to Make Ink on Love Letters

Fanna Sharma

fingers of mycelium entwine, drunk on borrowed sweetness, spores whisper in woodland air and rain down on forest litter. gills kiss the decaying wood, birth coral-like bodies, quivering through each wave packed in polyamory. mycorrhiza entangled in earth, chanterelles on root hairs pull the trees into bliss— possessive symbiosis. and years gift them black gills, to deliquesce into a puddle, weak in their winged knees, to become ink on love letters.

Fanna Sharma is a writer, poet, and a 1998 born. Her work attempts to capture, distill, and serve the mystical as well as the extraordinarily ordinary around us. She lives in Jaipur, India where her days are spent sipping on historical aesthetics and admiring a hot cup of chai. You can find her on X slash Twitter, @fannawrites or on her terrace, silently staring at the moon.